JUST A REMINDER: When you shop through Amazon links on this site, or using the searchbox in the right sidebar, you put a little money in my family’s pocket at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!

UPDATE: Reader Brian Weigand emails:

Please keep the Amazon links coming. In the last couple of years I’ve gotten good to excellent deals on products ranging from external hard drives to survival kits. Most recently, I purchased a Panasonic ES8228 razor at about 2/3 off the normal price. I had no idea that an electric razor could produce such a fine result. That a small amount of the purchase price goes to you is just an added feature. Thanks for the help!

p.s.: I can’t believe that I ever questioned whether or not Amazon Prime was worth the money. Doh!

Thanks! Yeah, it’s changed the way I shop. (Bumped).