GERARD VAN DER LEUN critiques the New York Times headline on Wisconsin:

It has the trumpet call of WISCONSIN LEADS WAY. Then it gives the sign of the down-trodden and wretched of the earth, WORKERS. Humm, “workers?” Would that be the teachers sucking up around $100K a year from the public trough while working, what?, seven months of the year? Well, I guess it would.

And what do these wretched and over-exploited teachers do while “lying” to their schools that they are “sick?” Why they FIGHT, of course.

And who do these sad wretches with only a fat salary, fatter benefits, and obscenely obese pensions fight? Why they fight that big, bad buggaboo, the STATE!

And what is that evil STATE doing? Well, it could be shooting them down like rabid dogs in the streets (see Libya headline right and photo center), but since Wisconsin is more evil and fascist that the dictator of Libya, it is asking them to actually contribute something approaching the rest of America to their health benefits. Those BASTARDS!

But read the whole thing to see where they got it.