ORGASM, INC: Will You Love or Hate This Documentary about the Search for a Female Viagra? Quite possibly neither. But I like this: “The unexpected star of the film is Stuart Meloy, a North Carolina anesthesiologist implanting electrodes into the spines of women who want to have orgasms. There’s something weirdly likable about him, demonstrating insertion of an electrode with a model of the human spine. A remote control completes the package which Meloy has christened the ‘Orgasmatron,’ after a device in Woody Allen’s 1973 comedy ‘Sleeper.'”

Plus this: “When it comes to sexual pleasure, we still have double standards. We’re often paranoid about drug companies and doctors such as Melroy selling orgasms to women, yet we don’t assume there’s a conspiracy when the guys are being offered Viagra. Is that because we still think satisfaction is optional for women and necessary for men?”