LAME DUCKS: “With a devastating electoral loss behind them and a 13% approval rating, Congress flouts the intent of the framers and ratifiers of the 20th Amendment.’

UPDATE: Reader J.T. Smith emails:

When Harry Reid pulls a trillion dollar pork-fest from the Senate floor because he doesn’t have the votes then we can truly say that we have got the wrong people doing the right thing. From Milton Friedman’s famous quote:

“I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or if they try, they will shortly be out of office.”

Harry Reid defeated the right candidate…but it was Harry Reid that was ultimately forced to do the right thing.

Keep up the good work Glenn. You certainly deserve a large share of the credit for this through your Porkbusters exposure and your tireless promotion of the tea party movement

Now, though, to quote another great philosopher, “[we have to] keep our boot on their neck until the job gets done”.

Amen. The people should always have their boot on the politicians’ neck, because the political class is always either at your throat, or your feet. And thanks for the credit, but while I did the promotion, it was a lot of other people who did the actual work, and that’s what really counts.

MORE: Reader Bob Likes emails:

I just returned from an early Saturday meeting and sat down comfortably in front of my computer clicking on your site. Ahh! Like it used to be with coffee and the LA Times.

Then it did occur to me that your deal is like that of my parents before they threw in the towel as dairy farmers. Every day the work has to be done. What is fun for me has to be produced from work by you.

So thank you for your daily efforts. Don’t know how you do it but I am glad you do. And I hope you are getting paid handsomely for it!

I do okay, and it’s still fun. But, yeah, every morning the milking has to be done. So thanks! Nice to be appreciated.