WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Crazed Democrats in Virginia attack opponents, throw signs. The “D” stands for “Desperate.”

UPDATE: Utah Tea Party reader David Kirkham writes:

As fast as we can put up these Matheson = Pelosi signs they tear them out. This is on some of my property. Every morning I drive by and the Republican signs are knocked over and I pound them back in. Someone has a special dislike for the Matheson = Pelosi signs as they are invariably STOLEN. Notice the wire stands in the right-hand side of the photo are missing the Matheson = Pelosi signs. (I placed a Matheson = Pelosi sign beside it so you knew what I was talking about.) This is happening ALL across Utah. But, thanks to Freedom Works and a zillion Utah Tea Partiers, we put them up faster than then can take them down. We have now covered the state with these signs. They are outnumbered. :)

ANOTHER UPDATE: Kirkham follows up:


I am off to pound in 500 more signs :)

Funny, this is the first year I have EVER pounded in signs. I love it.

And that story, repeated all over the country, is the true measure of the Tea Party movement’s impact. Which in turn puts me in mind of this passage from Zombie’s pre-election blogging:

Just a thought:

“Shooting bullets at a cloud of gnats.”

That seems to be the best way to characterize the Democrats’ attempts at following Alinsky’s directive to “Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.” How can you do that if your opponents have no leader?

First they tried to “freeze, personalize and polarize” Rush Limbaugh, then Sarah Palin, then Glenn Beck, then John Boehner, then Karl Rove, then Glenn Beck again, then Christine O’Donnell, then Rand Paul, then Bill O’Reilly, then Sarah Palin Again, then Glenn Beck again…but it just isn’t working. Because the Tea Party is not a political party and it has no identifiable leader. Must be frustrating for the Alinskyites! In a pinch, they can always fall back on “You’re all racists!”

But the gnats keep swarming, unfazed.

Yeah. Somebody should write a book on this phenomenon or something.