JIM LINDGREN — WHO LOVES HIM SOME NUMBERS — DOES AN ANALYSIS and concludes that in spite of the press treatment, Obama’s speech included more negative attacks than Palin’s. But girls are supposed to be nice. His conclusion: “By continuing to spread false memes about the nature of Sarah Palin’s speech as if they were true, the press marches forward in the most biased season of political reporting I’ve seen since at least 1998.” Absolutely.

And a reader emails:

My casual discussions with ladies around the hospital where I work indicates that they have never heard of ACORN and have never heard of Bill Ayers. I suspect that they don’t know anymore about Tony Rezko either. But everyone seems to know about Bristol Palin’s fiance.

Has there ever been a time in the history of our presidential politics where the press has so willfully chosen to do what they can to elect a specific candidate to the presidency?

If the Obama-Biden ticket loses, this will be the final nail in the coffin of the main stream media. The credibility of the MSM will be irreparably damaged, and Americans across the board will come to trust the alternative media for real, working information.

Prediction: PJTV will easily eclipse the viewership of every one of the MSNBC talking heads within the first year of broadcasting.

That would be nice. Meanwhile, David Bernstein looks at a New York Times article and observes: “You would think that the author would at least mention somewhere in this article that the Democrats control both houses of Congress. You would be wrong.”