Happy News Weekend Roundup: Hillary Getting Spanked in Court and More!

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

These articles are my favorite to write. Not only are they full of good news for us, but just imagine the shrill squeals that come from the agony of defeat emanating from green-haired, scrotum-hating, sideshow slobs in hipster coffee shops, located in every Warsaw-ghetto-looking American city nationwide. Squeal, you commie piggies, SQUEAL.


Let’s start with the one we’ve all been waiting/praying/sacrificing roosters for: Hillary is getting spanked in a courtroom this week.

The carnage is so delicious even CNN had to admit it.

As I have mentioned before, I am a New Wave Republican. I don’t turn the other cheek, nor do I forgive and forget as easily as some of our more religious friends do. I want to see this she-demon perp-walked into the same D.C. gulag holding peaceful J6 protestors. I hope she gets the cell with the broken toilet and her stomach has a bad reaction to chipped beef.

In a nutshell, here is what happened in court:

  • Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook testified UNDER OATH that he ran the bogus info re: Trump colluding with Russia past the Hillda-beast, and she personally OK’d it being released to the public. He also testified that NO ONE had verified any of the information in it and that Jake Sullivan knew about it as well.
  • Mook also testified that he ran the lie past Jake Sullivan, who is now Gropey Joe Biden’s national security adviser, meaning, Sullivan was in on the myth.

Hillary tweeted the lie on Halloween, 2016, less than a week before the election.


Hillary has tweeted nothing about the damning testimony. I guess if her political career is finished she can audition for the role of Flo’s evil grandmother in those Progressive Insurance commercials.

Hillary Clinton
Democratic National Convention via AP

Elon Musk has been throwing some dukes at the libs lately, even Hillary. The left loved him and his electric cars. Now that he is buying Twitter and, my God, threatening to allow FREE SPEECH on the once-liberal lie app, they spit-scream at their phones every time he tweets something juicy like this:

And wouldn’t you know it, now that Elon Musk is for free speech and voting Republican, here come the attacks. Though no woman ever accused Elon of anything when he was voting for Donkeys, someone now claims he exposed himself to her.

Here is his response;

FACT-O-RAMA! Elon Musk is a fighter who doesn’t care what the toilet people on the left throw at him. I’m thrilled he is on our side!


But wait, there’s more! Six more reasons to smile a little brighter this weekend:

  • Democrats got thwacked in New York state redistricting
  • Hunter’s laptop proves he made $11 million pimping his dad’s name
  • A recent Rasmussen poll shows Elephants stomping the Donkeys in November’s midterm elections
  • A federal judge stopped Biden from lifting Title 42, which will “supposedly” keep the southern border from being inundated with illegal immigrants
  • Hispanic voters’ approval rating for Gropey Joe has plummeted to a dismal 26%
  • The documentary “2,000 Mules” is sparking election integrity investigations nationwide

If these aren’t good enough reasons to light up a cigar and pour a glass of 1776 bourbon, I don’t know is.

P.S.: I heard a rumor that the pink-hairs are going to hit the steps at the Supreme Court on Monday after they hear something they won’t like. Pop some corn, it’s gonna be a hoot!


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