
Can Long-Term Fasting Neutralize Damage From the COVID Shot-Induced Spike Protein?

AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File

Injuries following injections of the mRNA “safe and effective” shots deceptively marketed as “vaccines” are real, common, and often quite debilitating. There are many causal mechanisms for such injuries — many of which may not even be fully understood yet — not the least of which is the circulation of the spike protein induced following injections.

Via Trends in Molecular Medicine:

Vaccination is a major tool for mitigating the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, and mRNA vaccines are central to the ongoing vaccination campaign that is undoubtedly saving thousands of lives*. However, adverse effects (AEs) following vaccination have been noted which may relate to a proinflammatory action of the lipid nanoparticles used or the delivered mRNA (i.e., the vaccine formulation), as well as to the unique nature, expression pattern, binding profile, and proinflammatory effects of the produced antigens – spike (S) protein and/or its subunits/peptide fragments – in human tissues or organs. Current knowledge on this topic originates mostly from cell-based assays or from model organisms; further research on the cellular/molecular basis of the mRNA vaccine-induced AEs will therefore promise safety, maintain trust, and direct health policies.

*Of course, in order for any publication related to mRNA “vaccine” damage to make it through the editorial process into Trends in Molecular Medicine, which is owned by Elsevier, it must start with cuckoldry to the pharmaceutical industry. But whatever — it’s a minor miracle the issue is addressed at all in mainstream clinical literature.

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Even the vaunted World Health Organization (WHO) — the single largest, most aggressive institutional pushers of the shots — has been forced to concede that the spike proteins can cause autoimmune disease.

Via The WHO Covid-19 Research Database (emphasis added):

Infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can lead to a wide range of acute and also chronic disease manifestations. The rapidly developed vaccinations are highly effective in preventing severe disease courses and have been proven safe. Both natural infection and, to a much lower extent, the mRNAbased vaccinations can be accompanied by transient autoimmune phenomena or onset of autoimmune diseases. Objective(s) We report here two cases of multiple sclerosis (MS) with clinical and new radiological signs beginning in close temporal relation to spike (S) protein mRNA-based vaccinations

Detailed studies of both peripheral blood- and CSFderived CD4+ T cells show that the onset of MS in these two cases is very likely caused by CD4+ T cell clones that cross-recognize SARS-CoV-2 S protein-derived peptides and peptides derived from myelin proteins, which have previously been implicated in MS.

In other words, the shots can and do trigger inflammatory autoimmune conditions in which the immune system, manipulated by the spike proteins, mistakenly attacks its own healthy tissue.

Are there any solutions for the already-injected? According to Dr. William Makis’ Substack, a handful of highlighted studies point to long-term fasting and the autophagy that it induces as a potential therapeutic option.

First, some clarification on autophagy, which is arguably the biggest benefit of the practice of fasting. It’s a medical term that joins together “auto,” meaning “self,” and “phagy,” which means “eating” or “consumption.”  So it refers to the “self-eating” of the body by recycling components of cells that are no longer functional and replacing them with younger, more functional parts.

As explained in the pre-print, “Exploring Therapeutic Applications of Autophagy in Spike Protein-Related Pathology,” one of the studies cited by Dr. Makis, autophagy — which can be accelerated by various practices and supplementation strategies, not only fasting — modulates and tamps down the inflammatory response and helps to restore proper immune system function.


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