The Gun-Grabbers Win: Veteran-Owned NOVA Firearms Will Not Open in Arlington, VA

Very sad.

A few months ago I wrote about a veteran who wanted to expand his firearms business into Arlington, VA.   James Gates had secured a lease for a new branch of his business, NOVA Firearms.  The gun-grabbers and hysterics would have none of it, claiming that the store would be located close to an elementary school.  They worried that the children would see guns in the windows of the store, and who knows what would happen once the little tots saw some firearms.


The gun store had leased a space at 2105 N. Pollard Street, causing outcry from members of the community. However, the store’s would-be landlord said today that he has reached an agreement with NOVA Firearms to cancel the lease.



Community members, and of course the national gun-grabbing industry, took their concerns to the store’s landlord.

Kapasouris was open to those concerns, said Bill Hamrock, the co-owner of Bistro 29, which would have been across the street from the gun store. (The restaurant is co-owned by Kapasouris.)

“He knew right away and it wasn’t going to work from the community, but the business owners let him know as well,” Hamrock said.

Kapasouris said that it was all his decision to cancel the lease.

“I don’t want to have a gun store,” he said to “I thought it wasn’t a good store.”

Really? Because he signed the lease with Gates and he knew it was for a gun store. He only had a problem once the anti-gun industry got involved and starting squeezing the landlord.

Kapasouris said that he decided against having a gun store after the lease was signed and that NOVA Firearms — which has an existing location in McLean — was told of his decision when the store’s owners recently visited the space.


Right, after a little persuasion.  And the landlord owns a restaurant in the area and people were going to boycott his restaurant. “I had several customers showing me Facebook [posts] that were telling people not to come to the restaurant,” Hamrock said.

Gates made a statement about the situation.

“When news of our planned location in Arlington became public, there were some local critics; however they enjoyed outsized influence when anti-civil rights campaigns backed by billionaire Michael Bloomberg picked up their cause. Make no mistake, whether it is billionaire Michael Bloomberg or a few local critics, an attack on a gun dealer like ourselves is an attack on the Second Amendment. Those who wish to ban gun shops also wish to ban private ownership of firearms. When the opponents of gun ownership fail at the ballot box, they resort to social pressure and interference with the private business of others.”

Bloomberg mouthpiece The Trace gave the story some publicity, urging people to stand up against the store. “On June 17, Dylann Roof allegedly shot and killed nine African Americans in a church in Charleston, South Carolina, with a Glock .45 bought lawfully at a licensed gun store. The webmaster of another protest site,, tried to tie the news to Nova’s planned opening in Cherrydale, pointing out that Nova’s McClean store sells Glock .45 pistols.”


It’s simply amazing how stupid these people are.

Let this story be a reminder that “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”



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