Iran Opens New Round of Talks by Calling Israel a 'Sinister, Unclean Rabid Dog'

In the post-Obama-phone-call era of renewed relations with Iran, and just as the latest round of talks began between the P5+1 and Iran over its nuclear program, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei tweeted and posted on his Facebook page a comment he made while addressing the Basij paramilitary force:



Twitter users quickly pointed out that the photo the Iranians used is a 2007 image of IDF soldiers helping get the attacking dog away from the woman.

A senior U.S. official at the talks in Geneva called Khamenei’s remarks “uncomfortable,” prompting Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) to issue a rebuke:

UN Ambassador Samantha Power said on CNN this morning that she’d “obviously condemn the comments of the Ayatollah, which are abhorrent.”

“What I will say is that we have decades of mistrust, partly on the basis of comments like this, partly on the basis of the continued steady progress toward a nuclear weapon,” she said. “And that’s why we’re in the negotiations in the first place, right, is to ensure that a regime like that does not acquire a nuclear weapon, pose a threat not only to Israel but to the broader region and to mankind.”

And that image from Khamenei followed other inflammatory tweets, including a veiled threat at France for standing up for Israel at the P5+1.




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