SEIU: ObamaCare Protesters Weren't Diverse Enough

First of all, I have to dispute the Service Employees International Union’s assertion that “thousands” of supporters turned up Tuesday to protest efforts to deem ObamaCare unconsitutional on the Supreme Court steps. I was there. One end of the Supreme Court steps to the other, slightly past each end, almost to the curb, minus media and Tea Partiers, does not accommodate thousands. Hundreds, yes.


The union posted commentary about the event from SEIU Local 1991 member Norberto Molina, a nurse in Miami.

…The diversity of our group was impressive. It’s an American thing. If you are trying to advocate for a law that is for Americans, you want to look like America so that comes across to the people that see you on the street, as they drive by, or on national TV.

Our people out there today were a real reflection of America. The other side was not.

I realized over the past few days that I am pretty knowledgeable about Obamacare and I realized how important it is to pass that along, both as a nurse and as a union member. …


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