How the media contributes to racial strife

The Houston Chronicle reported that two men robbed a cell phone store in Harris County. Here’s their written description of the perpetrators:

The store’s surveillance camera recorded images of the men.

One is described as heavy set and about 6 feet 3 inches tall. He wore a black hat, black T-shirt and green-and-black army-style pants.

The other man is described as about 6 feet 3 inches tall and he weighed about 250 pounds. He wore a black T-shirt and light-blue jeans.


What’s wrong with this narrative? The accompanying video explains.

The problem here is that the Chronicle wants to help police close the case:

Authorities hope a surveillance video of an armed robbery at a cellular phone store earlier this month in west Harris County will help them identify the two suspects in the case.

When police ask witnesses for perpetrators’ identifying characteristics, they include race. The 2010 Census notes there were over 4M residents in Harris County; only 18.9% were Black. Deleting this one identifying characteristic makes law enforcement’s job 4 times as difficult.

Obviously, Caucasians commit violence. The point here is the Chronicle prettying up their copy out of some misguided desire to appear socially sensitive. In doing so, they magnified the existing problem.

When media self-censors from a desire to avoid appearing racist, it’s the same result as if they acted so. The self-appointed victim class sees justification, using media’s actions as proof of their victimhood.

Thanks for contributing to racial tensions, Comical.


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