Donald Trump got in a good jab at the Democrat leadership on Monday, posting on Truth Social a highlight reel of some of the leading leftists in the land marveling at what a dynamo Old Joe Biden is. To hear them tell it, we are shortly coming to the premature end of one of the most energetic presidencies in American history, with a vigorous Biden leaving aides who are less than half his age gasping for breath and needing a nap while the president, the Energizer Corruptocrat himself, just keeps going, and going, and going. Yes, it’s absurd, and Trump is right to remind these Democrat leaders, as well as the nation and the world at large, of their false and fatuous claims.
The video is good fun for those of us who have been pointing out Old Joe’s manifest cognitive decline since even before he began his president act. At the same time, Trump’s post, along with the video itself, has a serious edge. The video shows some of the most respected legislators and officials in the United States smoothly and serenely lying to the American people in order to protect their position and the regime that was trying to make their fantasies and ambitions into reality.
Shouldn’t they be held accountable? Can they really ever be trusted to act in the best interests of the American people? Of course, these sinister corruptocrats were never really acting in the best interests of the American people in the first place, but they have fooled many people into thinking that they do.
This video should open some people’s eyes. Since it comes from Trump, however, it probably won’t. For leftists, loyalty to the cause always beats reality itself, which is why these officials were lying so brazenly in the first place.
The video begins with Don Lemon asking White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: “Does the president have the stamina, physically and mentally, do you think, to continue on even after 2024?” Jean-Pierre professed to be amused and amazed that Lemon even thought to ask such a question, so full of vim and vigor was Old Joe: “Don! You’re asking me this question! Oh my gosh! He’s the president of the United States! You know, he, I can’t even keep up with him!”
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is up next, explaining gravely: “The most difficult part about a meeting with President Biden is preparing for it. Because he is sharp, intensely probing and detail-oriented, and focused.” After delivering this steaming pile of nonsense, Mayorkas smiled, as if to express his satisfaction at having gotten through the entire statement without bursting into wild gales of laughter. Later on, we see Mayorkas again, saying: “Incredibly sharp, incredibly probing, incredible command of the details.”
A little while later, Rep. Robert Garcia (D-La La Land) chimes in with this: “The president is focused. He’s detail-oriented. He’s always thinking about the big picture.” Focused and detail-oriented, eh? It looks as if he and Mayorkas didn’t go to the same talking points supplier.
The video also features Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Smirnoff) claiming that “Joe Biden has vision, he has knowledge, he has — a strategic thinker.” Unfortunately, she didn’t say who Old Joe’s strategic thinker was. Pelosi apparently liked those claims, as preposterous as they were, as a bit later we see her in a different clip, saying: “So he has vision. He has knowledge. He has judgment. He has a strategic thinking ability.”
Sen. Chris Coons (D-Wishing Upon a Star) adds: “He’s engaging. He is capable. He has an incredible record as president.” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen asserted: “I am often with him on foreign trips. He’s at the top of his game.” Even Bernie Sanders (I-Moscow) is seen saying: “I, you know, met with the president, I don’t know, five or six weeks ago, and he seemed fine to me.”
Related: Biden in Steep Decline, New York Times Tries to Portray Him as Tragic Figure
Biden’s sinister hatchet man, Attorney General Merrick Garland, says: “I have complete confidence in the president. I have watched him expertly guide meetings of staff and cabinet members. I could not have more confidence in the president.”
And on and on. We see first lady Jill Biden, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-Sinister), and Reps. Jamie Raskin (D-Steven Van Zandt) and Jim Clyburn (D-Get Trump) as well. All these Democrat top dogs agree: Old Joe is sharp. He’s vigorous. He’s energetic. And now we know that all that time, Old Joe wasn’t any of those things, and his party and its propaganda arm, the establishment media, made concerted efforts to cover up his real condition.
Why haven’t any of these people resigned in disgrace? Why isn’t anyone demanding that they do so? Why should any of them hold a position of public trust ever again?