Open Season On the Web?

Hawaii may keep track of all Web sites visited:

Hawaii’s legislature is weighing an unprecedented proposal to curb the privacy of Aloha State residents: requiring Internet providers to keep track of every Web site their customers visit.  Its House of Representatives has scheduled a hearing this morning on a new bill requiring the creation of virtual dossiers on state residents. The measure, H.B. 2288, says “Internet destination history information” and “subscriber’s information” such as name and address must be saved for two years.


Note also that Hawaii’s Senate majority whip – Democrat Jill Tokuda – had this to say: “I was asked to introduce the Senate companions on these Internet security related bills by Representative Kymberly Marcos Pine after her own personal experience in this area.”

Might Kymberly Pine’s “experience in this area” have anything to do with speech and political sentiments she’d like to monitor or outright curb?

SOPA, PIPA, and now this.  Will other states follow?  Never underestimate our elected officials when it comes to curtailing your freedom…

UPDATE: Incidentally, Pine is a Republican.  Her ardent accuser and web tormentor is not exactly popular.  Sounds like someone wants to perform a little surgery with a machete here.

(Cross-posted at


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