WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? “Barack Obama promised he would lower taxes for 95 percent of Americans and presumably raise them for the 5 percent who benefited most under President Bush’s tax policies. But, remarkably, the most affluent 5 percent supported Obama and that was perhaps the key to his victory last week. This group — and the rise of a new elite class of voters — is at the heart of the fast-paced changes in demographics affecting the political, sociological and economic landscape of the country. While there has been some inflation over the past 12 years, the exit poll demographics show that the fastest growing group of voters in America has been those making over $100,000 a year in income.”

UPDATE: Reader Bob Rogers writes: “Haven’t you been listening at faculty meetings? There is no deeper class hatred in the US than that felt by those making six figure salaries toward those making seven. (And no greater delusion than the idea that those making five figures hate those making seven more than they hate those making six.)” Heh. Not much class-envy in my faculty meetings, happily, but the point is a good one.