TAXACHUSETTS NO MORE? A report on the Massachusetts income tax repeal initiative.

Thanks to the tenacity of Carla Howell of the Committee for Small Government, voters may be able to eliminate Massachusetts’s income levy through Question 1 of a ballot referendum. In 2002, a similar ballot question asking for the repeal of the income tax earned 45 percent support. Today, with jobs and residents fleeing the economically limping Bay State, the political climate for eliminating the income tax is even more hospitable. Backers also hope that the repeal would force Massachusetts to practice tough fiscal discipline.

It certainly seems to have the powers-that-be spooked. And here’s more on the subject. “You would think that proposing a major reduction in the taxes the Commonwealth takes from each of us would be a difficult and carefully measured calculation as much of our many billions in taxes are well spent. However, given the recent history of our governance, the decision turns out to be easy. To adopt the current mantra Massachusetts needs ‘change!'”

Our podcast interview with Initiative promoter Carla Howell is here.