HMM: “First time I’ve seen Obama blushing and looking frustrated in a debate. McCain is getting under his skin.”

UPDATE: Ann Althouse comments: “On the split screen, Obama has that look that I saw him aim at Hillary Clinton months ago. I think McCain is getting to him.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: A reader from the McCain campaign emails: “Obama looks bored and annoyed. Can’t he just be president already?”

Meanwhile, reader Rich Willis wonders if Obama just called Joe Biden a racist: “Did I just hear Senator Obama say that Joe Biden has never forgotten where he came from? Scranton Penn? Isn’t that the state John Murtha says is full of Racists? Hmmmm…..”

McCain hits Obama for never having travelled south of our border — kind of a nice subtle response to some of the anti-Palin remarks.

Another reader emails: “Obama comes off smirking nonstop or laughing and nodding to Schieffer while McCain is talking, but since only Fox is showing the split screen, most people aren’t going to pick up on that. His behavior reminds me of Al Gore in 2000. And not for nothing, but we’re near the end of the third debate, and not a single Second Amendment question or a Fairness Doctrine question in any debate.”

McCain calls Obama “Senator Government.” Was that a slip, or intentional?

Big winner so far: Joe the Plumber. And reader Daniel Moore emails: “Your reader emailed that only Fox is showing the split screen. CNN has been showing the split screen the whole time as well. And, yes, Sen. Obama is smirking nonstop.” Reader Selina Wren says they’ve got the split screen on ABC, too.

Okay, when it comes to judges, I think they’re both lying.

A reader emails: “I’m curious about Sen. Obama. If he truly does not believe in litmus tests for Supreme Court Judges, on what grounds did he oppose Justice Alito and Chief Justice Roberts?” Like I said, they’re both lying.

What’s interesting to me is how much Obama is stressing his agreement with McCain on many issues. I think his polls must show a lot of undecided voters in need of reassurance that Obama isn’t too radically leftist.

Bob Owens summarizes the debate in two sentences.

Meanwhile, I note two insider-Senators spending most of their time running against “Washington.”