POLITICAL INSIDER: Supreme Court Makes Guns a Non-Issue. That’s mostly right. Certainly Obama’s record of strong support for sweeping gun control would hurt him a lot more in a climate where gun owners felt more threatened.

The full opinion, by the way, is here. And some breakout quotes from the opinion here.

UPDATE: What’s going on in D.C.

And Megan McArdle comments:

It’s a little sobering to reflect what this decision might have looked like if Michael Bellesiles’ work hadn’t been so humiliatingly and thoroughly unmasked as a fraud. As it is, the dissenters apparently argue that this is overweening judicial activism, even though everything I know and have read about the crafting of the amendment makes a collective right interpretation pretty untenable.

Plus, much more over at The Volokh Conspiracy, where server problems seem to be under control now.