Today Ferraro told ABC she was “absolutely not” sorry for what she said.

On CBS, she called out Obama adviser David Axelrod, who Ferraro says has asked her in the past to support other minority candidates he’s worked for, including New York City mayoral candidate Fernando Ferrer, and New York gubernatorial candidate Carl McCall.

“He did it with Bill Clinton, he was successful. He did it with Ed Rendell, he was less successful, and he’s certainly not going to be successful with me,” Ferraro said of Axelrod.

Video at the link.

UPDATE: Lots more from Tom Maguire, who is having altogether too much fun. “If Barack Obama were a smooth talking white guy with an uplifting personal biography and no discernible resume, he would be John Edwards. . . . Let’s flash back to 2004, as a younger and more race-conscious Josh Marshall anticipated Barack’s keynote address to the Dem convention.” Of course, if Hillary were a smooth-talking white woman who hadn’t been married to Bill she’d be . . . not even Geraldine Ferraro.