HERE’S MORE on the disappointing box office performance of The Golden Compass, but what’s really interesting is this:

Finally, another Iraq War-themed movie has crashed and burned. Grace is Gone (MGM/Weinstein) starring John Cusack, with an original score by Clint Eastwood, mustered only a $1,089 PTA on Friday at four locations with a projected weekend PTA of $3,594. It will be very difficult for the Weinsteins to pick this film up from the mat, and that will make an Eastwood Oscar nomination for Best Original Score an uphill climb.

I hadn’t even heard of this one, but it seems not to have impressed the reviewers. Reader Jacob Allen, who sent the link, adds: “That’s a cumulative total of $14,000 over the weekend. At $9 a pop, that means a total national audience of 1,550 or thereabouts. In NY and LA. Put it this way, ‘Grace is Gone’ may have thrown under New Line’s ‘Rendition’ at the box office. And that’s saying something. “