OOPS. I WAS WORKING on a law review article and completely forgot about the YouTube debate. Too busy thinking about the Dormant Commerce Clause.

But Ann Althouse and Stephen Green have been liveblogging it.

I hear that an effort by terrorists to slip in this video was frustrated by alert CNN security. All America thanks them.

GLOBAL WARMING UPDATE: A show of hands on who took a private jet to the debate: Allah has lots more.

And Ryan Sager is liveblogging, too.

MORE: Okay, I didn’t see the whole thing but it was pretty good – except for the candidates’ YouTube efforts, which were predictably lame. Probably the best debate so far, though some will say that’s damning with faint praise.

And Dan Riehl emails: “Don’t know if maybe I missed some, but every lib blog I visited had a CNN ad up. Understandable, but I wonder if we’ll see ads on right side blogs on Sept 17 when they host the R’s?”

I guess we’ll find out.

STILL MORE: Ryan Sager posts some afterthoughts. He posts “Biggest Gaffes” and “Brightest Moments” — here’s one:

Biden’s obnoxious response when he insulted the gun owner toward the end as being nuts. It wasn’t so much a personal gaffe as a moment that projected an ugly image of the Democratic Party as out of touch with rural voters and gun owners — big problems the party has been trying to overcome. He got a huge cheer from the audience, but that just compounded the problem.

Yep. Plus, a Giuliani prediction comes true! Oh, and Dave Weigel was liveblogging it too. This link goes to his wrapup, scroll down from there for more.

STILL MORE: Biden’s remarks are not playing well among gun owners, and Bill Richardson is suffering some collateral damage, too.