Why Tomorrow’s Primaries Won’t Be a Big Deal—No Matter What Happens

Prepare yourself. Political types are billing tomorrow as a Super Duper Tuesday of sorts—”a date that ranks as the most important of the election calendar so far,” according to Politico’s Charles Mahtesian. That means, of course, that there will be some banner election contests: Democratic Senate primaries in Pennsylvania and Arkansas, a Republican Senate primary in Kentucky, and a special election to fill the late John Murtha’s congressional seat, again in the Keystone State. But even more, it means that there will be a lot of people like me taking to the airwaves and the Internet to tell people like you what “really’s going on here.”

Here’s a tip: don’t listen to us. Truth is, you already know what’s going on.

Curiously, that’s the one piece of advice that millions have already taken in recent years from Newsweek.

Related: Jack Kelly in Real Clear Politics on “The Media’s Primary Double Standard.”