ANN ALTHOUSE: Glenn Greenwald flails absurdly in a lame effort to take down Justice Alito.

Shaking one’s head and mouthing 2 or 3 words is “flamboyant”? Alito was sitting in his seat and he evinced a subtle reaction to a severe political attack. That doesn’t make what he did “highly politicized.” If anyone was “highly politicized,” it was Obama. Alito’s response was more of a reflex, and it was, I would assume, grounded in a belief that the Court does what it is supposed to do — decide cases according to the law. . . .

But shouldn’t Obama have shown some respect for the members of the third branch of government who honored him with their presence? What is the “acceptable political rhetoric” when one person has the microphone for over an hour and everyone else is supposed to listen respectfully? Really, if it were known in advance that Obama wanted to use the occasion this way, the Supreme Court Justices should have stayed home. Or send over 1 or 2 that do opinions that the big man likes.

There’s much more. Also, Professor Bainbridge weighs in. Also Adam Winkler and Gordon Smith.