TYLER COWEN ON MEDICARE SPENDING: “MEDICARE expenditures threaten to crush the federal budget, yet the Obama administration is proposing that we start by spending more now so we can spend less later. This runs the risk of becoming the new voodoo economics. If we can’t realize significant savings in health care costs now, don’t expect savings in the future, either.”

I agree with Virginia Postrel: Fix Medicare First! “Medicare is a huge, single-payer, government-run program. It ought to provide the perfect environment for experimentation. If more-efficient government management can slash health-care costs by addressing all these problems, why not start with Medicare? Let’s see what ‘better management’ looks like applied to Medicare before we roll it out to the rest of the country. ”

UPDATE: “The great thing about government health care is … you can start denying coverage for demographics that don’t vote for you.”