POWER LINE: Tea Party Time in Minnesota: With video.


Plus, Tea for 2000 in Rancho Cucamonga.

And 10,000 turned out in St. Louis.


And over 10,000 in San Antonio.


Plus 4-5,000 in Fort Worth.

And here are Photos from Providence, Rhode Island.

Also, here’s a gallery of pictures from NYC.

And lots of reporting from Orlando.

MORE: Reader Russell Goble writes on Atlanta:

Where’s the love for Atlanta on your site? We had probably the largest event. I’ll just assume no one has sent you anything. Estimates were at over 15,000 (though I don’t pretend to understand how they get those numbers). . Attaching some pictures from down Washington Street in front of the capital. We got there after 7pm so we could not get even close to the capital steps, but they had big screens to broadcast the speakers. Echoing Jennifer Rubin, it was not a pro-Republican event even though we had some local Republican speakers. Some of the loudest cheers came when one of the organizers talked about how the RNC called her to “coordinate the message” and she, in so many words, told them to stick it. I can also report I only saw 3 signs that didn’t fit: one confederate flag, one “bow to the Muslim king” and one abortion sign. I did not see a single sign discussing immigration outside of one instance of snark about the DHS report (something like Terrorist = Wanting to enforce Immigration law). Lots of signs in reference to the DHS report. Considering there was not a coordinated message (the ATL tea party site just said to focus on fiscal responsibility) the signage and tenor was consistently anti-tax, anti-spending and anti-socialism. Hannity brought in some of the crowd (he did his Fox news broadcast from the event). Many people started to bolt when Hannity came on, including myself, since he wasn’t really speaking to the crowd just doing his FNC broadcast from there. It must be noted the Fair Tax people were out in force. This is Boortz’ home turf after all. Also a lot of Ron Paul folks.

Great event. Definately a lot of anger, but in a good spirited sort of way. And a note of appreciation to the organizers as well as the city and the MARTA people specifically. They were quite helpful to all the lost suburbanites who had no clue how to navigate MARTA and downtown. The city handled the event quite well and there were no problems at all as far as I could tell.

Sorry — I was really busy yesterday! I’ll try to do another roundup tonight. Here’s an Atlanta pic from Goble.
