BUSH TO HAWAII? Hey, it worked for Elvis.

UPDATE: Tony Blair would vote for Dubya. “‘Tony thinks the world is a very dangerous and precarious place. Bush is the tough guy who keeps the bad guys under their rocks.'”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Joseph Malchow disagrees with Blair: “No! Bush is the tough guy who turns over the rocks and neutralizes what he finds underneath. Isn’t that what we’re seeing in Iraq?”

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Joshua Sharf emails: “I’d even go one better: Bush is the guy who picks up the rock and uses it to smash what’s underneath. Iraq used to be a base for terror, now the population is getting to use its resources to fight it.” This metaphor is getting overstretched.

Meanwhile, Clarence Page wonders if Bush will surprise people by doing well with black voters. If, as Peter Beinart suggests, race is no longer a big political issue in America, then why not?

MORE: In tenuously-related “election” news: Dang, I never did ask people to vote for me in this blog poll at the Post.