ROGER KIMBALL: Waiting for Sidney.

The other main position—and let me hasten to acknowledge that it is mine—is that this election was riddled with voter fraud. Nor was it the usual taken-for-granted and (between us sophisticated men of the world) acceptable margin of fraud but a planned and systematic assault on the integrity of our election that overturned a convincing victory for Donald Trump.

I believe this partly because of the stunning statistical anomalies in the election—I have written about this several times (here, for example, and here).

But I believe the election was fraudulent for other reasons as well. Perhaps the chief reason has to do with the allegations put forward by Sidney Powell, a prominent attorney who is part of President Trump’s legal team. She has laid out her case many times in the last couple of weeks, including at an “opening statement” press conference on November 19 at which she, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, and other members of Trump’s legal team offered a précis of their case.

Their presentation was widely, if not quite universally, condemned by the media. “Where is the evidence?” was one cry, but another, less articulate though more insistent was “Evidence be damned, just shut up and get Trump out of office!”

Suddenly, a lot of people were imitating the state of Missouri, responding to every allegation with the demand “Show me!” Tucker Carlson delighted Trump’s enemies and enraged his friends by pointedly asking what evidence Powell had. He later updated his comments, noting that if Powell is right, she has, almost single-handedly, uncovered what is perhaps the biggest political crime in our nation’s history.

Let the truth come out.