AIRBRUSH AWARD: Brian Carnell says the BBC is rewriting its own stories after the fact to avoid embarrassment. What would they say if Tony Blair revised his speeches after the fact with no explanation? Meanwhile the Los Angeles Times is recycling the discredited BBC story about PFC Lynch’s rescue. That’s absolutely pathetic.

And even Bill Clinton is defending Bush on the WMD front.

It’s a sad world when you can trust politicians (and Bill Clinton!) more than the media. But nowadays, well. . . .

Randy Barnett examines why we’re seeing so much lying.

UPDATE: The Daily Howler has more:

For reasons that are completely unclear, major parts of the Washington press corps have flipped on Bush in the past few weeks. But their dysfunctional culture lives; they continue to spin the basic facts to construct a sweet story which furthers their outlook. Their reports are full of spin and conflation. Can’t you hear what they’re saying? Hey, rubes!
