ONE OF MY MOLES says the AP wire is about to produce a story saying that John Muhammad has been linked to a killing / synagogue shooting in Tacoma from last February.

UPDATE: It’s not up yet, but this backgrounder is interesting.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Here’s a link to the story, which says Muhammad is now linked to the shooting of a 21-year-old woman and to a shooting incident at a synagogue. And go to page 17 of this synagogue newsletter for a contemporaneous description: “A more serious incident occurred in May when it was discovered that a bullet was fired into the west side of the Temple by the Biblical garden. It eventually ended up in the ark in the small chapel.”

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Andrew Sullivan: “So he was a terrorist, a Muslim, a member of the fanatical anti-Semitic group the Nation of Islam and someone who shot up a synagogue. Who’d have thought it?” Yeah, go figure. Who’d have thought those things would go together? Not the “angry white male” profiler crew. . . .