ANOTHER CLINTON SUBTERFUGE EXPOSED: Joe Schoffstall at Washington Free Beacon shines light on yet another illustration of the Clinton Way: ZFS Holdings LLC was established in 2013 with  Delaware registration to manage her income from speeches and books. The registered agent for ZFS is Corporation Trust Company, a U.S. subsidiary of the Netherlands-based Wolters Kluwer.

Why is that significant? Schoffstall notes that the agent is “an epicenter of U.S. corporate secrecy,” due in great part to the anonymity allowed registrants by Delaware.

But wait, there’s more (isn’t there always with the Clintons?): Clinton’s 2016 president campaign committee has paid ZFS nearly $150,000 since her loss: “The first transaction from the committee to ZFS was made on May 4, 2017 in the amount of $32,929.28, nearly six months after Trump had defeated Clinton. Each payment from the committee to ZFS was marked as ‘rent,'” Schoffstall reports.

“Seven additional payments were made ranging from $9,617.87 to $36,369.39. The most recent payment to ZFS, for $20,822.92, was made on March 15, filings show. The campaign has pushed $149,456.78 to ZFS Holdings since early May of last year.”

And the problem with that? Schoffstall asked campaign finance expert Cleta Mitchell:

“The only disbursements allowed for the Clinton or any other losing campaign are for winding down the campaign. So the question is whether this is really for rent or whether the payments are to this entity for other types of work for Hillary, which would be personal use if it isn’t specifically tied to the winding down of the campaign.

“Personal use is illegal under federal campaign finance law. There are a number of questions that need to be answered to ensure that the campaign is using leftover campaign funds for a legally, permissible purpose.”