NEW CIVILITY WATCH: Annual CNN host* Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump in Shocking Photo Shoot.

(The photo is exactly what you think it is. You’ve been warned if you click on link.)

Insert obligatory reminder that anyone on the right holding a representation of the severed head of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton would be absolutely crushed by social media and the DNC-MSM, and find his or her career at an end. Funny though, how what Michelle Malkin calls the left’s “assassination chic” is always given a pass — if not outright ignored — by the “objective” media when the president has an (R) after his name.

In response to Griffin, Twitchy notes the left’s freakout in 2013 over a Missouri rodeo clown donning a goofy Obama mask. Shortly afterwards, CNN’s Website ran the headline, “After Obama-mocking rodeo clown, Missouri fair requires ‘sensitivity training.’”

That’s just from someone wearing the image of the 44th president. But we’ll see what sort of sensitivity CNN themselves will show this year. Will the network, which during the brief “new civility” pose by the left after the Tucson massacre in early 2011, saw newsreader John King flipping out on-air when a guest used the word “crosshairs,” and replying, “We’re trying to get away from using that kind of language,” allow Griffin to continue to co-host their annual New Year’s Eve train wreck with anchor Anderson Cooper?

Over to you, Jeff Zucker.

* As per the WFB style guide.

UPDATE: “You would think Griffin and the photographer would at least have avoided mimicking an ISIS pose to make things a little harder for critics, but I guess if you’re going to wade into this pool, you might as well dive in,” Allahpundit writes, noting that although Donald Trump, Jr. has weighed in on Twitter, “This won’t truly be a story until Trump [Sr.] tweets something insulting about [Griffin’s] plastic surgery.”

Flashback: “To Hell with you People.”