I THINK TRUMP NEEDS TO APPOINT A SPECIAL PROSECUTOR TO INVESTIGATE. THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS CHARGE. Mark Levin: Was Obama Using NSA Against Trump During 2016 Campaign? LBJ used government resources to spy on opponents. Why should we think Obama wouldn’t?

Related: ‘A NEW LOW!’ Donald Trump claims Barack Obama ‘had his wires tapped in Trump Tower before US election win.’

Plus, from Andy McCarthy:

Instead, the Obama Justice Department decided to pursue the matter as a national-security investigation under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In June, it sought the FISA court’s permission to conduct surveillance on a number of Trump associates — and perhaps even Trump himself. It has been reported that Trump was “named” in the application, but it is not publicly known whether he (a) was named as a proposed wiretap target, or (b) was just mentioned in passing in the application.

The FISA court found the application so weak that it said no — which it never does — and the Obama Administration came back with a narrower one, which may or may not have mentioned Trump specifically, which was granted, shortly before the election.