ONE LARGELY UNHERALDED BENEFIT OF THIS ELECTION: A big blow to dynastic politics. Jeb Bush, who should have followed my advice, never got off the ground. Hillary, despite the best efforts of the DNC and the media-industrial complex to drag her across the finish line, got soundly thrashed.

That’s good. A year or two ago, some of my foreign friends were mocking the U.S. for being on the way to having yet another Clinton or Bush in the White House. And it does look kind of bad when two families swap back and forth.

But that didn’t happen. Oh, they’re grooming Chelsea for Congress — how can you run an influence-peddling operation with no influence to peddle — but that’s a far cry from putting Hillary in the White House.

Political dynasties don’t have much to recommend them, and I don’t want to see any more of that here in the United States. For the moment, at least, we’ve dodged a bullet.