None of it was enough, though all of it should have been, and likely would have been for another candidate. She couldn’t escape being the wrong candidate for the political moment.

Interviews over the closing weeks of the 2016 campaign with members of Clinton’s innermost circle, close advisers and other aides reveal a deep frustration with their failure to make a dent, a consuming sense that their candidate’s persecution paranoia might actually be right, and a devastating belief that they might never persuade Americans to vote for her.

“There was no way to generate momentum,” one top adviser said.

Any positive storyline from Clinton “was always fragile,” admitted that adviser, and issues related to the emails inevitably stripped away any uptick in Clinton’s favorable ratings.

“This has been a campaign that has thrived on moments,” Mook said in an interview in his office in the back corner of the Brooklyn headquarters a week before the election. “When voters see the candidates juxtaposed, we do better. When they’re not juxtaposed, he normalizes. He becomes the Republican nominee, instead of Donald Trump.”

Note that the Politico gathered all these quotes in anticipation of Hillary losing; this article dropped very quickly after she conceded to President-Elect Trump on Wednesday morning. And while it’s no doubt that they prepared a similar article ready to go if Trump lost, imagine how much more of a defeat it would have been if the DNC-MSM had been running pieces like this on Monday night, rather than as a postmortem.
