CHASER: “Who Is He To Confront Me?” – Philippines President Unloads On “Son Of A Bitch” Barack Obama.

HANGOVER: Xi Jinping outplays US as Barack Obama makes last official tour of Asia.

But the G20 meeting in Hangzhou also demonstrates how much the balance of power has turned in China’s direction during the nearly eight years of an Obama presidency. The supposed US “pivot” to Asia has not altered that national momentum. Nor will the lengthy communiqués that came out of this meeting.

For all his talk of peace, President Xi Jinping shows no signs of stepping back in any way from his determination to take aggressive action to expand China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea. The US under Obama shows no sign of being able to restrain that no matter how many freedom-of-navigation exercises it carries out or stern statements it issues.

Instead China’s militarisation of the various atolls and rocks and islands will inevitably continue, as will its push to extend its influence via investment and trade initiatives like “One Belt, One Road” and the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank.

Obama’s successor is going to inherit quite a mess.