WELL, IT’S NICE OF NBC TO FINALLY ADMIT THEIR BIASES, as they dub Rudy Giuliani as the “far-right former mayor” in a piece titled “Here Are the Republican National Convention Speakers We Know Of:”


I screencapped this passage, in case someone from NBC went in and airbrushed the piece, which they’ve since done after a backlash on Twitter. But note that this appeared in an allegedly a straight news article, not a rant by a fire-breathing MSNBC socialist. Rudy Giuliani is a good man who saved New York from becoming the next Detroit or Newark. But if you think the moderate pro-gun control, pro-choice Republican is on “the far-right,” it speaks far more about your worldview than his. And it was nice of NBC to finally triangulate where they view themselves as fitting in on the political spectrum. Take a bow, fellas.