PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY EXECS MAY SOON BE THE MOST POWERFUL FEDS IN TOWN: They’re already among the best paid, with 80 of them making more than $200,000 annually and at least 340 getting $150,000 or more every year. And did we mention those sweet bonuses? Four of these lucky guys got bonuses of more than $75,000 and 74 of them received checks for more than $25,000.

But what makes these figures of particular interest is that the feds running America’s 4,000+ public housing authorities may soon be telling the rest of us where we must live and who must be our neighbors. That’s thanks to a 5-4 Supreme Court decision in June 2015 that upheld the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s power to take action against neighborhood discrimination even when there’s zero evidence of it other than demographics.

Julian Castro, President Obama’s HUD Secretary, has the regulatory regime in place to do this in a program called “Affirmatively Affirming Fair Housing.” Castro is prominently mentioned as a potential Clinton running mate. With or without Castro, however, Clinton can be expected to push the AAFH. Remember this next year when the folks from your local public housing authority suddenly show up in your neighborhood. They won’t be bringing welcome baskets.