THE TSA WILL HAVE TO FIGHT THIS TOOTH-AND-NAIL, SINCE IT UNDERMINES ITS ENTIRE REASON FOR EXISTENCE: CEI Sues over TSA’s Body Scanners. “CEI et al. argue that TSA’s final rule fails to consider one important factor related to the deployment body scanners: a potential increase in highway injuries and deaths. If that sounds crazy, let me explain. Past research suggests that post-9/11 airport security policies were so invasive that a number of would-be air travelers decided to drive instead. Given the fact that auto travel is far more dangerous than air travel, three Cornell University economists found that TSA’s invasive, time-consuming airport screening policies resulted in about 500 additional highway fatalities annually in the years following 9/11—more than a fully loaded 747 per year.”

I think I wrote a column making this point over a decade ago.