ANALYSIS: TRUE. Liberal Policies Destroy Small Business.

As the late Tony Snow noted in a 1999 column titled “Queen Tut?” written as Hillary was prepping for her tour of duty as New York’s carpetbagging senator, “When told [in 1993 that HillaryCare] could bankrupt small businesses, Mrs. Clinton sighed, ‘I can’t be responsible for every undercapitalized small business in America.’”

And nothing has changed; last year, Joel Gehrke wrote at NRO, “Clinton noted that small business creation has ‘stalled out,’ to her chagrin. ‘I was very surprised to see that when I began to dig into it,’ she said while campaigning in New Hampshire. ‘Because people were telling me this as I traveled around the country the last two years, but I didn’t know what they were saying and it turns out that we are not producing as many small businesses as we use to.’”

Fortunately, Bernie Sanders has gotten to the root cause of the problem:


As James Taranto, who rescued Bernie’s tweet from the Memory Hole quips, “Millennials are gluttons for punishment. Sanders blames them for the recession; they vote for him anyway.”