SOCIAL MEDIA NEWS: The Frat Site That Helped Ignite #TheChalkening Speaks Out. “Old Row said that there have been confirmed pro-Trump chalkings at least 106 campuses. Most of the schools — such as Clemson University, Duke University and the University of Florida — that have been marked are in the South, but [there are] also reported cases at such far-away bastions of liberalism like the University of California – Berkeley. The website moderator said that there was no coordination on the effort and it was an entirely grassroots affair. . . . The anonymous staffer said that not everyone at Old Row supports Donald Trump, but they all oppose ‘political correctness and outrage culture.'”

Plus: “The response to The Chalkening from left-wing college activists has so far amounted to hysterical outrage and calls for administrators at colleges — such as the University of Kansas and the University of Michigan — to investigate the pasty marks. Activists at Emory have even issued extravagant demands in response to the chalk marks, which include urging the school’s president to write ‘terse’ letters to both Trump and Ted Cruz saying they’re not welcome on campus.”