EPA EXECS ROUTINELY FLOUT ACCOUNTABILITY LAWS, USE PRIVATE EMAIL FOR PUBLIC BUSINESS: It’s all but impossible to see why a federal official would use a private email account to conduct government business except that private email can be more easily hidden from public view, which might be especially vital when one of the correspondents is a lobbyist for special interest groups. But they just keep right on doing it.

The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group’s Ethan Barton reports that lobbyist, Michael J. Brady, asked in a private email for a little favor of EPA General Counsel Joe Goffman, his insider friend at EPA: “Joe, would you please send this email to Gina for me? I would have sent it to her directly with a cc to you but I don’t have a private email address for her and would prefer to not use an office email address.” (Emphasis added) Brady represents a number of green energy groups that want to support EPA’s Cross-State Pollution Rule. Goffman

The casual tone of the email exchange shows “that it is a regular practice of senior officials of this EPA to use private e-mail accounts and other ‘off-book’ techniques to craft rules with ‘green’ activists with clear financial and political interests is now clear beyond a reasonable doubt,” said Chris Horner, the man who exposed former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s “Richard Windsor” email moniker. Horner’s group, the Energy and Environment Legal Group, obtained the Brady/Goffman email via the FOIA.