



The media made Obama in their image in 2008 — as Obama himself admitted, “I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.” Concurrently, the media made Palin a household name by giving her the full Alinsky-style othering treatment to aide in his victory, thus causing sympathetic conservatives to rally to her support, after seeing how the DNC-MSM routinely attempts to destroy all prominent women and minorities who dare wander off the leftwing plantation. (Notice how Paul Ryan never received anywhere near the demonization in 2012 that Palin received from the press in 2008.) The media also opened the door to reality TV candidates such as Trump, by endorsing a candidate with as little political (let alone real world) experience as Obama in 2008, because of his superstar aura and television-friendly persona. As the above tweet illustrates, Trump is in so many ways, the second coming of Obama, or at least his Mirror Universe doppleganger, which is obvious to anyone who doesn’t have to keep repressing how he got Obama so wrong in 2008.

Endorsing Trump gets Palin back into the spotlight, increases Trump’s bona fides with lots of conservatives and blue collar voters, and as Glenn noted yesterday, is a way for her to stick it to the GOPe, who never had her back in the fall of 2008 and afterwards. And it’s possibly a ticket to a cabinet position as well. This doesn’t exactly require complex rocket surgery to parse out.