BERNIE SANDERS YELLS AT WIKIPEDIA AND CLOUD OVER…CAMPAIGN LOGOS? Sanders’ campaign sent a DMCA takedown notice to Wikipedia for reproducing its campaign logo(!), then eventually came to its senses when it realized that the whole idea of creating a campaign logo is to see it as widely dispersed as possible.

Seriously, it is a measure of how awful Hillary Clinton is as a candidate that she’s more or less tied with this guy.  Or, arguably, losing to him,” Moe Lane writes, having lots of fun with Bernie in full angry old man trying to return soup at a deli mode. “Second: since when do Commies – oh, I’m sorry: ‘Democratic socialists’ – care about copyright, anyway?  It all belongs to the People, right?  Bernie Sanders supports public financing of elections, yes? So why does he suddenly think that he has the right to dictate what other people do with that logo? Ownership is theft, man.  Bernie Sanders shouldn’t act so blatantly privileged, you know what I mean?”

Related: Dems’ hiding debates backfires on Hillary Clinton.