Shot: NYT Theater Critic: ‘Grumpy Guys’ in GOP Would ‘Be a Lot Looser’ If They Were Like Drag Queens.

Chaser: You Will Be Made To Care: Fines of up to $250K In NYC For Misgendering:

“…landlords, employers and businesses they could be running afoul of the law by purposely calling a transgender woman “him” or “Mr.” when she prefers a female title and pronoun, or by barring her from using a women’s restroom.”

Perhaps someone in the GOP should sue the Gray Lady using that Manhattan law over the paper’s latest sexist-transphobic heteronormative-based micro-aggression. (My Star Trek Universal Translator is in the shop on Starbase 11. Did I get all the current buzzwords in there, or are there other 21st century leftwing adjectives that could also be applied?)