WHY ARE DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS SO PRONE TO RACISM AND SEXISM? Kane’s sister received emails mocking Asians, blacks and domestic violence.

The state attorney general’s twin sister, a top prosecutor of Internet predators, received emails in the office mocking Asians and blacks, and joking about domestic violence and a small child in a cage. She forwarded with comment one email with a photo of a naked man in a sink.

Attorney General Kathleen Kane was copied on a 2009 email that poked fun at world leaders and showed a man’s genitalia.
Kane, 49, of Scranton said she released her emails and those of her deputy, Ellen Granahan, to counter statements by a Philadelphia prosecutor that gave “a false and defamatory impression” that the sisters exchanged pornographic emails through the office computer system.

“I think they’re every bit as offensive as the other emails,” said George Parry, a former federal prosecutor and Philadelphia lawyer. “… At this point, the number is irrelevant. She’s been castigating people for sending and receiving these, and now she and her sister are doing it.”

Maybe the reason lefties think that the entire world is dominated by such racist and sexist misbehavior is because, well, their world is.