SO THE WHOLE FLAP WAS JUST MORE MEDIA BS? Byron York: How the crazy Trump Muslim database story got started. “I asked Walker and Yahoo to provide a transcript or audio of the interview, and late Friday afternoon they posted a three-minute-19-second excerpt. Probably the best way to describe Trump’s reaction when Walker raised the database question is to say Trump didn’t address it at all. Trump certainly did not say, or even suggest, that he wouldn’t rule out a Muslim database.” Transcript at the link.

York concludes: “In the end, the responsibility is always the candidate’s to be on guard for attempts, by journalists or rival campaign operatives, to entice him into saying damaging things. Sometimes those are attempts to create a story out of nothing. The Muslim database affair seems a particularly audacious example of that.” Trump needs to watch out. Like McCain, he had friendly relations with the press until he looked like a Republican who might be President. Once you fall into that category, expect this kind of treatment.