FROM THE WOMAN WHO BROUGHT YOU “THE VAST RIGHT-WING CONSPIRACY:” Clinton Slams Comedians for Making Jokes About Her (Demands Their Personal Info):

as soon as the video got posted on the Laugh Factory website, he received a phone call from a “prominent” person inside Clinton’s campaign. “He said the video was disgusting and asked who put me up to this,” Masada said. The Clinton staffer, who Masada did not want to identify, also demanded to know the names and phone numbers of the comedians that appear in the video. Masada refused and hung up. He insists that the comedy stage is a sanctuary for freedom of speech no matter who is offended. “Just last night we had (Emmy-award winner) Dana Carvey doing Donald Trump and it was hilarious,” Masada said.

Presumably, this is a warning shot to other comedians and to the rest of Hollywood — don’t worry though; if there’s one thing we’ve learned from the last seven years, professional comedians will speak truth to power no matter who is in office.