I WOULD SAY THAT THESE ARE AMERICA’S FUTURE LEADERS — BUT, ACTUALLY, I DOUBT IT OF THESE UNHINGED TWITS: Yale Students Demand Resignations from Faculty Members Over Halloween Email.

Tensions at Yale University hit a boiling point yesterday after an email about Halloween costumes created a week-long controversy on campus.

Students called for the resignation of Associate Master of Silliman College Erika Christakis after she responded to an email from the school’s Intercultural Affairs Council asking students to be thoughtful about the cultural implications of their Halloween costumes. According to The Washington Post, students are also calling for the resignation of her husband, Master of Silliman College, Nicholas Christakis, who defended her statement.

FIRE President and CEO Greg Lukianoff recorded video of students confronting Nicholas Christakis yesterday in the courtyard of the Silliman College dormitory complex at Yale. Lukianoff was on Yale’s campus to speak at a conference on issues related to free speech in higher education.

Yale’s admissions committee would seem to be falling down on the job. Video at the link.

And, really, if you want to undercut the value of a Yale degree, just keep this crap up. Nobody respects you.