ROLL CALL: Budget Deal’s Fate Looks Good in Senate.

Senators feel confident a two-year budget deal that also lifts the debt limit before the Nov. 3 deadline has the necessary support.

Leaders are looking at 1 a.m. early Friday for a cloture vote, but the exact time is still up in the air as senators negotiate a final agreement.

Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, told reporters Thursday he was confident the deal would get the 60 votes required to advance, and that the expectation is a vote on final passage could come in the hours after the cloture vote Friday morning.

The White House-backed bill easily passed the House Wednesday.

Senate Banking Chairman Richard C. Shelby, R-Ala., told reporters “they’ll get a sizable amount, if not all of, the Democrats and some Republicans.”

As for the substance of the deal, which raises domestic and defense spending caps, Shelby said it was a big win for President Barack Obama, adding, “It’s not anything I can support.”

See, stuff like this is why Trump is doing so well.