BRUCE/CAITLYN JENNER being encouraged to become more liberal as part of the transition:

The quoted dialogue comes from a trailer for the show, as does Jenner’s expression of conservatism. I think what’s going on is more that show needs dramatic tension, so something was set up, and the show needs a narrative arc, and there will be one. Thus, early on, Jenner expresses the view that people can get “totally dependent on” government, because they think “they can make more not working with social programs than they actually can with an entry-level job,” and they start thinking “Why should I work?” and they “get in trouble.” Later, I’m betting, Jenner will become more aware of social problems and the value of government programs. Narrative arc achieved. Quite boring of course.

The narrative is all, and social-justice values must prevail. Those who disagree must be not simply beaten, but changed.